The caught unit gets pulled back to Pudge.silencer dota 2. Meat Hook (Q) - Pudge throws out a hook towards a specific location and latches onto the first unit caught in its path. Can anyone tell me why i should support with silencer while. His arsenal of abilities include:I had a game that i got 10 kills for almost 15 min , the game end for me with 68 steal int with build orchid (bloodthorn in the stash) , scythe of vyse, hurricane pike , treants , 23 kills , and venge called me noob cuz i was carrying while im support while venge was carry by himself , naga agree with venge cuz their were party. Silent Edict (with Loading Screen) Mythical 100 PHP Tools of the.One of the best heroes for snowballing a game of Dota 2, Pudge features an extremely efficient arsenal that can be used to disrupt the entire course of a match.
Flesh Heap (E) - Passively grants bonus strength and magic resistance with each enemy hero that dies within a 450 unit radius of Pudge. Rot also applies a movement slow debuff on enemies. Rot (W) - Pudge creates a toxic cloud that deals damage to both Pudge as well as all enemies present in the vicinity.
Pudge heals himself for the same amount of damage that he deals to the enemy unit during the three-second channeling duration.